A Flutter-based application for managing personal book collections, with a NestJS backend providing a RESTful API.
A CLI tool that scans NestJS projects and maps API routes into Insomnia or Postman import files.
A simple handwritten numbers recognition using a neural network in Python.
A Data-Centric UI for Your Strava Account in TypeScript and React, using OAuth2 integration for secure data access.
A remake of the classic game Tetris using the MVC design pattern in Java.
A simple implementation of a chat server and client in Java using the UDP protocol.
A programm written in Java and allows modeling of various cellular automata, such as the Game of Life, forest fires, or 1D automata.
3rd version of my blog, built using React.
A 10 second game to guess as many flags as possible, made using React and Typescript.
A simple task manager project made during a React Course by Maximilian Schwarzmรผller.