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HandWritten numbers recognition

HandWritten numbers recognition

Python IA Pytorch

HandWritten numbers recognition. This project was made to learn how to use neural networks in Python. The goal was to recognize handwritten numbers from 0 to 9. The dataset used is the MNIST dataset, which is a large database of handwritten digits that is commonly used for training various image processing systems. The neural network was made using the Pytorch library.
I used Google Colab to run the code and train the neural network that was composed of 3 layers. The first layer has 784 neurons, the second layer has 128 neurons, and the last layer has 10 neurons. The neural network was trained for 10 epochs with a batch size of 64. The accuracy of the neural network was around 98% on the test dataset.

© 2025 Mathieu Ponton | Lyon France 🌇