Tetris MVC in Java
Tetris MVC in Java This project was carried out as part of the Object-Oriented Programming course in the 3rd year of FISA at Polytech Lyon, under the supervision of Mr. Frederic Armetta. The objective of this project was to recreate the classic game Tetris using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. Our tetris game is composed of three main parts: the model, the view, and the controller. The model is responsible for the game logic, such as moving the pieces, checking for collisions, and updating the score. The view is responsible for rendering the game on the screen, while the controller handles user input and updates the model accordingly.
- The game has a simple GUI that displays the game board, the next piece, the best score, the current score, and the level.
- progressively more difficult as the level increases, with the pieces falling faster and faster.
- pause feature that allows the player to stop the game and resume it later.
- ghost piece feature that shows where the current piece will land.
- hold piece feature that allows the player to save a piece for later use.
- sound effects for moving pieces, clearing lines, going up a level, and game over.