Miso Mania!
Project carried out as part of the EU LIFAP4 at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, as part of our second year of preparatory courses for Polytech engineering schools (Peip). The lectures for this teaching unit were provided by Alexandre Meyer and Nicolas Pronost, both researchers at LIRIS, a CNRS laboratory.
Miso Mania is a 2D platform game. This game is at the crossroads, between a platform game and die and retry. The player controls a character who must reach the end of the level. The game features a level editor, a level sharing system, as well as a leaderboard.
Miso Mania allows the player to create a user inside the game, and this user can purchase skins for the character and particles. The coins are earned by completing levels, and the closer the player is to the top of the leaderboard, the more coins he will earn.
The game is distributed on WSL, Mac, and Linux. The game was created using SDL2 library and C++ by Romain Rochebloine, Jules Ginhac, and myself. For this project, we were ranked 3rd out of 68 groups, with a grade of 18.42/20.